Students at The Academy will take requisite courses such as 世界历史 and American 历史, 并将有机会选修系内的其他课程,如美国现代史, 尊重世界宗教, 和AP心理学.
的基本哲学 社会研究 课程就是那种语言, 讨论, 反射, 想象力可以帮助学生发展理解和解释人类经验的技能. 课程要求学生通过对历史的深入探索,培养个人意识或积极的公民责任感, 心理学, 哲学, and the likes; the ability to understand the human experience outside of one’s own individual social and cultural context allows students to develop a conscience more suited to the multicultural world in which they live.
《大发彩票平台登录》考察了其起源, 发展, and legacies of civilizations that have shaped the world. Students begin by looking at the origins of humankind in Africa, then follow the 发展 of people, 的地方, 以及美索不达米亚的文化, 埃及, 印度, 中国, 希腊, 和罗马. 超过两个学期, students will explore key concepts such as 文化, 宗教, 科学技术, 政府与政治, 经济学和地理学才能充分理解人类经历的戏剧性和意义. This course requires students to engage in historical thinking by evaluating evidence, 提高的问题, and marshaling evidence to support answers. Students will develop key skills such as chronological thinking, 历史的理解, 分析与解释, 研究, 以及决策.
With as much chronology and detail as possible, 这门美国历史课着眼于美国是如何从欧洲殖民地发展成为世界强国的. There is no flinching in its presentation of events, from the uncomfortable truths that brought this evolution about. This survey of America’s past involves neither undue celebration nor condemnation, 它尽一切努力避免将任何为美国今天的地位做出贡献的主要人物提升为神话或妖魔化为耻辱. All students are welcome to their individual ideologies and political convictions, but it is preferable that their thinking not be fixed upon them. 这门课的目的不是告诉学生该怎么想,而是让他们接触到,甚至让他们享受到美国历史的复杂性, 因此,每个学生离开这门课程时,都带着持久的好奇心,而不是对过去的安逸确定.
AP欧洲史涵盖了从罗马帝国灭亡到1991年苏联解体的欧洲历史. It is divided into four quarters, each quarter consisting of at least four thematic units. Each unit is followed by an exam involving ten or more short answer responses and one essay. In each quarter students write one paper on any of the units covered in class. 作为他们研究的基础, 学生就一个主要的历史大发彩票平台登录撰写论文,该大发彩票平台登录在整个季度中似乎都很重要, for example: The Reformation for the first quarter; The French Revolution for the second quarter; the effects of industrialism or imperialism on European social and political relations for the third quarter; and the impact of World War I for the final quarter.
《大发彩票平台登录》使用电影和当代新闻来审视二十世纪美国六十年的历史. While the journalism attempts a more direct interpretation of contemporary events, 故事片, like any other form of popular 文化, provides very indirect but telling interpretations of what people were thinking about, 担心, or aspiring to be during each of these decades. These same concerns and aspirations contributed not only to the content of the films of the 30s, 40s, 等., but also to the style and tone of the filmmaking. 在本课程中, students will do the work of sociologists, 人类学家, 心理学家, 还有历史学家, working with primary sources – the Hollywood films from the late 20s to the early 70s. Students will come to regard film as an historical document, one of several such documents that help us develop a clearer conception of the past.
全球事务是一门刺激的当代课程,旨在让学生更好地了解我们所生活的21世纪世界. 通过分析, 讨论, 有吸引力的项目, students will examine the current issues and main challenges facing the world today. 从探索全球化, 全球健康, and the struggle for human rights around the world, 对中东局势的看法, 民族主义, 以及全球恐怖主义, 该课程旨在激励学生成为知情的全球公民,了解这些问题如何以及为什么影响我们,以及我们在培养更好的全球公民中可以发挥什么作用, 更安全的, 为所有人创造更高效的世界.
世界宗教旨在向学生介绍犹太教的一些主要基础元素, 基督教, 伊斯兰教, 印度教, 佛教, 道教, 和耆那教. 为此目的, students will approach work with five aims: 1) to become familiar with a broad outline of each tradition’s historical circumstances; 2) to explore a portion of each tradition’s sacred texts; 3) to understand the roots and “core” of each 宗教 so as to better identify corruptions within the tradition; 4) to engage the way in which each tradition defines the word “community” as a means of exploring its approach to 道德; and 5) to understand the way that the tradition expresses its faith tenets through the arts.
本课程通过主要文本介绍哲学的基本问题和不同思想家对这些问题的研究方法, 第二手来源, 和讨论. Rather than providing a full survey of 哲学 in all its forms, this course is designed to introduce philosophical thinking in general. 本书将采用主题而非历史的方法来探讨哲学的一些基本问题:知识是否可能? 这是什么世界?? 自由意志存在吗?? 上帝存在吗?? 如果是这样,为什么会有邪恶呢? 我们能做出合理的道德决定吗? 为了解决这些问题, the primary branches of 哲学 – epistemology, 本体, 形而上学, 道德, and aesthetics – will be examined through classical writings and contemporary application.
“Democracy must be learned by each generation,” now more than ever this statement rings true. 公民学是一门单学期的课程,目的是让学生对美国政府系统有一个清晰的认识, in order to become the active and informed citizens a well-functioning democracy requires. 该课程采用跨学科的方法,综合历史和政治学来理解我们制度的历史起源, the precedent setting Supreme Court cases, 以及启蒙思想家,以及他们的影响如何在我们的执政文件——宪法的构建中发挥了关键作用.
Sociology is the study of social 组, 结构, processes, institutions, 和大发彩票平台登录. 本课程将从社会学的角度探讨当代西方社会和文化的主要特征. We will consider what aspects of our lives and the social world are changing and why. The course will focus on understanding and applying the sociological perspective, 哪一条强调了外在社会力量对塑造人们生活和经历的影响的重要性. Topics studied will include socialization, 社会互动, 文化, 组, 社会结构, 异常, 社会不平等, 社会阶层, 比赛, 性别, 机构(政治, 经济, 教育, 家庭, 和宗教), collective behavior and social change. Students will be asked to learn the basic concepts, 理论, 以及社会学的观点, to see how these operate in terms of social processes, 结构, 和大发彩票平台登录, and to apply this knowledge to better understand the social world.
Psychology is the study of mental processes and human behavior. Through this course students will acquire the most fundamental, 各种知识中重要而有用的知识——大发彩票平台你自己和其他人的知识. Intro to Psychology will introduce students to social 心理学, 大脑的生物学, 人类发展的心理学, 心理障碍, 如何进行心理研究, 和更多的. Regardless of what your future life and career choices are, 你的心理学知识将帮助你在工作中成为一个更有效率、更有成就感的人, 和你爱的人在一起, 在社交场合, or in the quiet satisfaction of just being yourself.
艺术史, students explore the nature of art: its uses, 它的意思, 以及人们对此的反应. 本课程的探究围绕着从史前到现在作为文化和社会的反思和引擎的艺术展开. From diverse global perspectives and through a cross-disciplinary approach to the analysis, interpretation of works of art and art movements, 本课程强调艺术创作与历史上社会和政治变化的相互联系. Students will learn and discuss the fundamental issues and 理论 surrounding art production, distribution and reception and will develop an understanding of artwork in these contexts, 其中包括性别等问题, 政治, 宗教, 种族和赞助. 本课程为学生提供了通过阅读深入了解艺术史的机会, 研究, 幻灯片, 视频, 参观博物馆. Writing skills will be important in the description, analysis, and comparison of these works. 当作为AP课程时, preparation for the AP艺术史 Exam will also be incorporated into the curriculum.